a) Fear
b) Fascination
c) Ambivalence
d) Extreme Anger
2. According to our readings, a hierophany is
a) a person who experience the sacred
b) the act of manifesting the sacred
c) the place where the sacred is experience
3. According to the textbook, the imago mundi is Mircia Eliade's way of describing:
a) an image of a communities sense of the original cosmic order
b) a man who consecrates a place
c) the religious feeling
4. According to Mircia Eliade, the core of religious life is the distinction between two realities. What are these realities
a) right/wrong
b) just/unjust
c) sacred/profane
5. Mysterium, Tremendum, and Fascinance are the attributes given to experiences with the sacred by one of the following scholars:
a) Rudolph Otto
b) Gerardus Van der leeuw
c) Emil Durkhem
6. God's being includes the whole universe; all entities exist in him, however, God's been is not coequal with the world. This belief is expressed by religions that fall under one of the following classifications. a) Dualism
b) Panentheism
c) Pantheism
7. As a religious tradition Islam has animistic elements too specially when viewed from a scholarly position. a) True
b) False
8. The belief in warrior Goddesses in polytheistic traditions can reflect the societies…:
a) Sense of the complementary nature of male/female roles
b) Understanding the role of women in the domestic sphere
c) Unconventional thinking about gender roles
9).According to polytheistic religions, deities that are often group in families referred to as:
a) Anthropomorphic
b) Pantheons
c) Non of the Above
10. Which of these groups of scholars argue that humans are religious because of the need for emotional balance?
a) Psychologists
b) Anthropologists
c) Theologians
11. Studying the religions of others is inimical to our own faith
a) True
b) False
12. Sigmund Freud's psychological