Retailing : is business involves selling goods and services to consumers for their personal, family or household use
Retailing can be tangible and intangible , as services
Retailing does not always involve a store; it can be web, via mail, phones, manufactures, importers, nonprofit, wholesalers.
Retail impact economy; functions in Distribution and relationship with firms selling goods and services to retailers for their resale.
Durable goods store: meaning store like last longer such as: motor vehicle, parts dealer, furniture, home furnishings, electronic, appliances and hardware store.
Nondurable goods and services: general merchandise such as food, beverages, health, personal care stores, gasoline stations, clothing and hobby, book, music.
Retail Functions AND Distribution
Retail last stage in CHANNEL OF DISTRIBUTION :
This means business and people are involve in physical movement and transfer of ownership of goods and services from producer to consumer:
Example an exchange: buying IPhone from Apple.
Retailer’s job: communicate with customer and manufacture, deal with products and services.
Sorting process: retailers collect sources and buy large amounts and sell in small amounts.
Retailers sell to consumers through multiple retail formats: Example, mail, order, web, phone, stores.
Helps manufacture reduce cost, improve cash flow.
Exclusive Distribution: Suppliers make an agreement to with few or one retailer to sell certain brand, product or a location.
Example Target retail store sells Archer Farms only or up items.
Intensive Distribution: Suppliers sell through many as many as retailers as possible. To maximize profit. Competition between retailers is high.
Selective Distribution: Suppliers sell through only a moderate of retailers. This combines exclusive and intensive, allowing the supplier to earn a high profit.
3 characteristic of affecting retailing
1. Impulse