Final Exam
Cohort 4
By: Mohamed Awad El Sharkawy
I tried to get another company like Exxon Mobil to compare its ratios with that of Shell to give a proper judge and accuracy about the company financial statement.
Content 1- Oil Market overview 2- Introduction 3- Company structure and strategy 4- Vertical & Horizontal analysis 5- Ratios 6- Comments 7- Overall summary
Oil & Gas Market overview
The demand for oil and gas is strongly linked to the strength of the global economy. For that reason, projected economic growth is considered an indicator of the future demand for our products and services. The global economy continued to recover in 2010 from the recession of late 2008 and early 2009 that was triggered by the severe financial Crisis in the USA and Europe. The contours of the global recovery, however, have differed significantly across countries. Most emerging markets weathered well the global downturn and grew robustly in 2010, with output in China and India growing by 10.3% and 9.7% respectively. In contrast, the USA and the euro area saw output grow by 2.8% and 1.8%, respectively; this was not sufficiently rapid to bring down high unemployment rates
Introduction: Company history & main Structure | Royal Dutch Shell plc | Exxon Mobil | Company History | Is a public limited company registered in England and Wales and headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands. Shell is one of the world’s largest independent oil and gas companies in terms of market capitalization, operating cash flow and oil & gas production.The Royal Dutch Shell Group was created in February 1907 when the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and the "Shell" Transport and Trading Company Ltd of the United Kingdom merged their operations. The terms of the merger gave 60% ownership of the new Group to the Dutch arm and 40% to the British. In November 2004, it was announced that the Shell Group