School bullying is a distinct form of aggressive behavior, usually involving a power imbalance. School bullying refers to all types of bullying done on school property, whether it is peer-to-peer bullying, bullying of younger children by older children, or bullying in which a teacher is either a victim or a culprit. It is now seen as a serious problem that begins in the classroom and often continues into the workplace. One of the most important periods in an individual’s life is, without a doubt, their school years. School is a place where children and teenagers socialize, acquire different social skills, and prepare themselves for their future life and career. School is also the time of unstable psychological processes which are typical for the teen years who are especially vulnerable in terms of influence – both positive and negative – on their psyche. In connection to this factor one should consider the experience typical for many schools which can negatively affect a developing individual. This problem is so widespread and may cause such severe damage – both psychological and physical.
According to data collected by the Ministry of Education, about 25% of all children in primary and high school were at least once in a school term bullied, or acted as bullies themselves. The methods of bullying may differ depending on a social and gender group. Thus, boys usually choose more direct forms, such as physical abuse, whereas girls prefer to spread gossip and act in other non-violent ways, but they all have at least one common effect – increasing the social isolation of an individual. At the same time, when asked about the reasons standing behind their inappropriate attitude towards victims, bullies have little or no sensible explanations. At the same time, psychologists have recognized several psychological traits which are shared by the majority of bullies, regardless of where they live. Thus, bullies most often show more emotional insecurity as do those students who support them, they demonstrate low levels of moral reasoning and high levels of self-centered reasoning, they tend to be preoccupied with their own goals and not concerned about the rights of others, they are less likely to consider the negative consequences of their actions on others, they possess either a calculating and reserved, or an expressive and active type of personality, they manifest a desire to gain power over others, and use force, abuse, or manipulation to get what they want from others. On the other hand, bullies are considered to feel psychological pain within themselves, probably caused by the shortcomings of their own lives.