Before describing about the service package of MITSOB I would like to give an overview of what SERVICE is ..
“Any act or performance which one party offers to another that is essentially intangible in nature and which never result in ownership of anything is known as service .”
Now according to this definition of service I would like to define the service package of MITSOB
MITSOB is a service firm it only and only offers service. MITSOB is an education institution which provides the services of education and nothing else. In the recent past the service industry became prominent in INDIA. Earlier education and most other businesses which today come in service business were not even considered as a business but today education has became an important player in service industry. With this change providing education Is also changed, so if we have to analyze it we have to consider all the parameters which come under the service.
Dimensions of service
Quality of service is the only element of service. Service cant be completely intangible in most of the cases. Most services comprises of some physical goods and other part as service by interaction with customers.
1) Time frame- it mainly defines the availability of service as for how many hours we can get the service, at what time we can get the service. Will we get the service when we need it.
2) Flexibility - it measures that with what effectiveness the firm can overcome its mistakes.
3) Work culture - it defines what is the style under which the organization work in which work culture is one of the of the prominent factors.
4) Fault freeness - it defines whether the service provided is free of fault or not.
The services provided by MITSOB and their classification on the basis of dimensions of service are as follows
1) Advanced education
2) Language courses
3) N.S.C courses
4) Finatics
5) Personality enhancement
6) Very good library
7) 24 hrs internet access
8) Corporate