The following paper will address the research process of teen pregnancy. During the years of the adolescent years it is all about knowing yourself, getting used to the changes of your body, and most of all engaging in some sort of sexual activity or activities. Adolescent sexual activity and its consequences continue to be important policy concerns in the United States. Nationwide, nearly half of all high school students report having or had sex and one-fifth of the report having or had four or more partners by the time they graduate (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). The Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention Approaches is a response to persistent concerns about the consequences of teen sexual activity. The Pregnancy Prevention Approaches evaluation is being undertaken to expand available evidence on effective ways to prevent and reduce pregnancy and related sexual risk behaviors among teens in the United States.…
4. Your family will encourage you to do what you think is best for you…
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average teenager engages in sexual intercourse by the age of seventeen, but do not marry until the mid-twenties (citation). This means that young adults are at an increased risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections for nearly ten years or longer. The numbers of students engaging in sexual activity of ages thirteen to twenty-four continues to grow each year, as does the number of unplanned pregnancies and HIV infections due to not being fully educated about the risks. Today, the duty of educating students and teenagers about sexual intercourse and the risks involved is left to the government and public school system. Abstinence education programs in public…
Teens did not know their own bodies. There were little factual resources that teenagers can depend. Few choices left for them, teenagers were guided along high risk actions. Abstinence was the approved option by parents, as it teaches teens to not be sexually active but not on protection or STDS. Another path is exploration on their own means. Exploration was dangerous, because teenagers were unaware of the consequences. Both options plunged teens’ health into a abyss. Then around 1980s, media started to reach towards the topic of sexual activity in teenagers. Many teen movies brushed against the topic about sexual activity and gave more positive responses than usual. Now, there is a rapid increase in sexual activity amongst teens. Due to this rise of sexually active teens, sexual health programs in high schools need to be updated to accommodate this change. High schools need to avoid only abstinence learning and implemented new programs for…
Researchers take pride in organization and hard work in making sure information is accurate. Over the past years there have become an alarming number of teenage pregnancies occurring. The authors of this article has seen some changes while conducting their study of ways to help decrease the number of teens pregnant in the United States. During the survey and study performed by the author on middle school students who were educated on prevention methods and placed within an abstinence program were less likely to engage in sexual activities. The authors suggest that the United States as a developed country has the largest number of teenage pregnancies but there has been a decline within some races due to the preventive measures put in place. Black teenagers aged 15-17 demonstrated the most dramatic decline. Hispanic teen pregnancy and birth rates has been slower than any other ethnic groups. The overall trend of teens reporting ever having sexual intercourse parallels with the declining teen birth rates. The following article will explore the results and opinions concluded in the research study, statistical data, and other important information collected during the study,…
The age of adolescence is a time for growth and development. Young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years establish patterns of behavior and make life-style choices that can have long-standing consequences. Adolescent pregnancy is a significant public health problem, with 58 out of every 1000 females becoming pregnant each year ( Teen-aged parents lose out on many social, educational, and vocational opportunities, they often face poverty and depend on public income maintenance and health programs for both themselves and their children ( ‘Reducing teen pregnancy and promoting health equity among youth’ is among one of the CDC’s top 6 priorities. Teen pregnancy is a public health battle that can be defeated, and is of paramount importance to health and quality of life…
Due to lack of education, poverty levels, and lack of parental guidance teen pregnancy has been on the rise in the United States. According to a 2012 report there were a total of 305,388 babies born to women aged 15-19 years old. At least one study estimates that 90% of these pregnancies are unintended. If we can find ways to help the teen prevent pregnancy it will save the United States approximately $9 billion per year, in health care.…
First come love, then comes marriage, then comes momma with the baby carriage is the way most conservatives wants society to adhere by. But in today’s world, most baby carriages are coming before marriage. Teenagers will often reach the point in their relationship in which they will begin to think about intercourse with their partner. This strong bond between girlfriend and boyfriend causes most teenagers to lose their sense. In a blink of the eye, relationships can escalate into a bond much more than anyone could anticipate. Teenage pregnancy had increased drastically over the years. Therefore the best defense against such danger is to prevent teenage girls for getting pregnant. Other than abstinence itself, birth control has become the best method to prevent teen pregnancy. Many feel that minors should not have such access to contraception which brings ethical challenges into play.…
In 2005, nearly half of all high school students have had sexual intercourse. Plainly stating that abstinence programs do not work (USA Today). Abstinence programs were beneficial many years ago, but since they are ineffective in delaying teen pregnancy, then teen pregnancy rate has increased. Abstinence programs teach the “no sex until marriage” clause, but they don’t teach teens about birth control and the consequences of having sex at before they’ve matured. Although many studies argue that abstinence programs are educational and beneficial, other studies will show that they don’t delay teen sex, they don’t prevent the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and are a waste of taxpayers’ money. The birth rate has increased by over 50% and increasing every day. Television and the Internet are filled with sex and teens are exposed to it on a daily basis.…
States with abstinence-only sex education rank the highest in the numbers of underage pregnancies. Abstinence-only sex educations’ exclusive purpose is teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity. But, this program excludes other types of sexual and reproduction health education, particularly regarding birth control and safe sex. By excluding this information, abstinence-only programs may end up deterring contraceptive use among teens that do have sex, risking underage teen pregnancies. This information can help protect the health of teenagers, and by not showing any big positive effect, this program is considered ineffective. In order to prevent teen pregnancies and risk of disease, teenagers need to be able to comprehend every major aspect of sexual intercourse and need to know about safe ways to engage in such activities.…
The increase of teenage pregnancy has placed a burden upon the argument for non-abstinent-only education. As indicated by the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, every year an estimated 850,000 teenagers become pregnant. These statistics also conclude that more than one-third of girls will become pregnant before the age of twenty, and that 78 percent of these pregnancies are unintended. Comprehensive sex education helps delay sexual intercourse between teens by offering them the tools they need to avoid unintended pregnancy.(Berne 91) “Research done by Douglas Kirby for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy shows that programs that provide teenagers with comprehensive sex education that includes a discussion of…
Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective – in both preventing pregnancies and most sexually transmitted infections. If you choose to be abstinent, then you have decided not to have any type of sexual relations. Learn some of the reasons why people choose to abstain as well as the benefits from this behavior. Discover the difference between continuous and complete abstinence. Read advice on how to stay abstinent and when to make the decision about using abstinence as your contraceptive method. Possible pitfalls people face when choosing this method are also examined.…
Sexual activity can be detrimental to the success of adolescents because they become more susceptible to STI’s and run the risk of long term emotional trauma. Receiving unbiased, medically-accurate information decreases these risk and allows young people to make informed choices that will improve their lives.…
Abstinence programs can be found all around The United States. Abstinence programs can prevent interactions of sexual activity, and teach young teens the provided source which is abstinence. There are many statistics shown that abstinence programs are effective, how these programs will help young teens proform abstinence, and the effectiveness of using abstinence correctly. Abstinence only programs are the best and most efficient ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies, or having the problem of the effects sex can do to someone. Abstinence only programs also provide great life lessons for teens and their future. The programs are underrated and should be taken more seriously through schools. With abstinence teen that “practise sexual abstinence are less likely to have depression, less likely to attempt suicide, and less likely to live in poverty as adults” (HealthResearchFunding). Abstinence programs should be available and put into sexual education classes throughout all schools in the United States and in other…
Teens our age are dealt with the common consequence of pregnancy after having unprotected sex. And being that they are babies themselves, they don’t know the first thing about being fully responsible for another life.…