Language Arts, Math
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Title – First Day Adjective Bubble Map and Graph
By – Melissa Wise
Primary Subject – Language Arts
Secondary Subjects – Math
Grade Level – K-5
At open house, ask students to bring a picture of themselves for the first day of school. Teachers can use the media center camera and take a picture if needed.
On the first day, have students make a bubble map describing themselves with their picture in the middle. For students who can take it a step further, draw a square around the map and give information to prove why.
Allow students to work in cooperative groups to assist each other with adjectives.
Allow class time to share and explain.
As a math extension, graph bubble map adjectives to show the most popular to the least popular.
This lesson might also be used start an autobiography that uses a timeline.
Let the imagination do its job!
E-Mail Melissa Wise !
This lesson provides a little tic-tac-toe fun with adjectives
Language Arts
Title – A Little Fun with Adjectives
By – Kelli E. Butler
Primary Subject – Language Arts
Grade Level – 4th Grade
This is a great way to review adjectives! We did this with a group of 17 in my class and my kids LOVED it! You can also do this activity with verbs or even play tic-tac-toe as review for other subject areas!
1. South Carolina Standard:
4-W1.5 – Demonstrate the ability to edit for language conventions such as spelling, capitalization, punctuation, agreement, sentence structure (syntax), and word usage.
2. Goals:
Students will become familiar and aware of adjectives, how they are used in sentences, how to find them in sentences, and how to determine if they are used in the correct