NEED:With the number of accidents occurring on highways increasing every year, a need to develop smart highways that are not only able to reduce the accidents but also provide a better management of the vehicles plying in an environmental friendly manner is need of the hour. Unlike the conventional highways, they require less human involvement by automating majority of the tasks. In this project we want to design the said highway showing a number of features providing a better alternative to the conventional highways.
WORKING: We plan to implement the following features:
1. Automatic vehicle register system for highway on toll plazas: We can automate the toll bridge gate using the Radio Frequency Identification tag. An RFID tag is fixed with a vehicle. When a card comes in to the vicinity of the reader a charge of some amount will be detected from the particular person’s database and the toll bridge gate is automatically opened for the user to moveThe Vehicle Details is stored into the computer memory with date and time for future reference.
2. Induction Priority lanes: A car which is capable of getting recharged by induction and running low on battery charge can move to this lane and get recharged. This concept is based on mutual induction and in this project can be demonstrated by lightening a LED instead of charging a battery.
3. Automatic over-speeding challan generator: The distance, measured over the desired interval of time, can be used to calculate the average speed of vehicle. In case the vehicle over-speeds, a SMS will be sent to the concerned authorities using the GSM module.
4. Pedestrian crossing light:Any pedestrian that wants to cross the road can press the button provided to activate the red light. The light will automatically go red for duration of a few seconds allowing for the easy crossing of the road.
5. Power efficient road lighting i.e. Glow in Dark: The light sensors provided