Skinny, long legs, flawless skin, plump lips, tanned, shiny hair may just be some of the words to describe society’s idea of the perfect woman. I think that society’s portrayal and expectations of the perfect woman are unrealistic. Women are not being treated as well as they deserve due to false advertising and over judgmental views.
According to advertisements, women are nothing more than objects. Draped over men in over-revealing clothes, these advertisements are giving society the idea that men are more powerful and woman are only good for being assets. This is a distorted image of the perfect woman. More and more people are taking the ideas inflicted through he media and changing their views based on it. Some men do not treat women with the love and respect they deserve but instead use them as sexual objects just as pursued in magazines, billboards etc. This without a doubt contributes to the high statistics of rape and physical assault in society. In the US, a woman is raped every 3 minutes, and 55% of women report having experienced rape and/or physical assault in their lifetime
The women plastered over billboards and spread in magazines all appear to be flawless. Beneath what is presented to us, there are imperfections that have been touched up to create the “perfect” woman. These methods of editing give us an impression of what women are expected to look like. The only models we see are skinny, tall, have faultless skin and hair. Because we get so used to seeing this, our minds are tricked into believing that having all these features would make us perfect, but in fact majority of these appearance features are fake. If the ideal of beauty is physically unattainable, then society will never be able to attain the image they want.
Millions of women and girls who are unable to reach their ideal standard of beauty start to feel a sense of failure, shame, and guilt. A lot of