a. To learn about how and why persuasion functions the way it does
b. To become a more effective practitioner of persuasion
c. Be familiar with how pervasive persuasion is (don’t have to know specific statistics)
i. The idea that we can never get away from persuasion
1. Commercials
2. Persuasive messages
3. Money spent on advertisement
4. Central feature of every sphere of human communication ii. Buzz marketing- relies on friendships to spread the word; word of the mouth has expanded as a form of persuasion and advertising (people trust friends more than ads)
1. Relies on: email, facebook, YouTube, twitter etc iii. social media iv. persuasion in sciences
1. Scientists are actively involved in persuasion.
a. Over theories and paradigms
b. Over methodologies and research findings
c. Over grants and funding
v. Persuasion in Arts
1. Artists seek to shape public opinion in and through their work.
a. Picasso’s Guernica (1937) offers a moral indictment of war
b. Movies can change attitudes, alter beliefs, increase awareness.
2. Uber influencers
a. Mavens- try out new things first
b. Connectors- spread the word about new things
c. Salespeople- try to get you to come to the new place/sell you the new things
3. Farmville- popeyes>> eating spinach
a. Advertisement to influence behavior
i. Encourage people to take stairs rather than elevators- sponsored by Volkswagen
4. Persuasion in interpersonal contexts
a. Most influence attempts occur in the interpersonal arena.
b. Persuasion is most effective in face-to-face contexts.
i. Less obvious or overt ii. Harder to say “No” in person iii. Easier to analyze, adapt to one’s audience
d. How is social media leveraged in persuasion attempts?
i. Social media is so important companies now specialize in sentiment tracking, a process of monitoring and measuring social media to gauge the public’s mood in the nearly real time. ii. Social media even plays a role in