Unit Outline
Department of Accounting and Finance
Unit Code:
Unit Name:
Cost information for decision making
Semester 2, 2009
Contact Details for Chief Examiner/Unit Leader(s)
Email Address:
Dr Bereket Redda
Room 3.32 Building H Campus Caulfield
03 9903 2068 bereket.redda@buseco.monash.edu.au Name:
Greg van Mourik
Room W730 Building 11(Menzies) Campus Clayton
Room 3.41 Building H Campus Caulfield
03 9903 1099 greg.vanmourik@buseco.monash.edu.au Phone:
Email Address:
Contact Details for Tutor(s)
Email Address:
Paul Yap
Room 3.17 Building H Campus Caulfield
Room 1062 Building 11 (Menzies) Campus Clayton
03 9905 2374 or 990 34580 paul.yap@buseco.monash.edu.au Responsibilities of Students
As a student of the University, you must:
apply yourself to your studies to the best of your ability and accept joint responsibility for your learning
become familiar with the rules and regulations governing the degree in which you are enrolled, and ensure that the units selected meet the degree requirements
be aware of the policies and practices of the university and of any faculty and department in which you are enrolled, which are contained in the materials and information made available to you
be aware of the rules and regulations concerning the use of university computing, library and other facilities, as set out in published material
meet deadlines for work to be submitted
take the initiative and consult appropriately when problems arise
submit original work for assessment without plagiarising or cheating
if you are an on-campus student, attend lectures, tutorials and seminars for each unit in which you are enrolled; if you are an off-campus student, engage thoroughly with all course materials and participate in any prescribed