Why We Communicate-needs are met
Affiliation- the affect or feelings you have for others.
Achieving Goals-rely on communication in order to accomplish particular objectives
Influencing Others-completely unintentional
Transactional Process-Involves 2 or more people acting in both sender and receiver roles, and their messages are dependent on and influenced by those of their partner (that is their messages are interdependent). Once a communication transaction has been completed and received it can’t be reversed nor repeated in precisely the same way.
Ethics-study of morals specifically the moral choices individuals make in their relationships with others.
Competent Communication is Process-Oriented=what & how
Competent Communication involves-Communication skills & using technology
Challenges of Schemas & Perception-Mindlessness, Selective Perception,& Undue Influence
Read pg41-42 Improving Your Perceptions
Mindlessness- A passive state in which the communicator is a less critical processor of info, characterized by reduced cognitive activity, inaccurate recall and uncritical evaluation.
Stereotyping- act of fitting individuals into an existing schema w/out adjusting the schema appropriately; involves organizing info about groups of ppl into categories so that you can generalize about their attitudes, behaviors, skills, morals, and habits.
Prejudice- a deep seated feeling of unkindness and ill will toward particular groups, based on neg. stereotypes and feeling of superiority over those groups.
Self-Concept= Your awareness and understanding of who you are as interpreted and influences by your thoughts, actions, abilities, values, goals, and ideals.
Self-Esteem= how you feel about yourself.
Self-Efficacy= Ability to predict actual success from self-concept and self-esteem
Connotative-emotional or attitudinal response ppl have to it
Evasion- Intentionally failing to provide specific details
Equivocation-Using words that have unclear