I see an advantage among others by learning the language of the business world, but not just the language of business; also being able to lead and manage a staff to integrate the same and all the company as well. I plan to learn, as much as I can, the ethics and business mind of this side of the world. I have been given the opportunity to study in this developed country, so far away from my home. As I go by, I see those facts that I want to get more involved in, such as the sense of productivity and usefulness that Feng Chia University shows so proudly, which I feel it is a valuable life experience for my future career pursuit. As to myself, I am a man with a great interest in business, motivation is my strength and Taiwan is my road to success; the blend of travelling passion, world globalization culture, effort and sacrifice to the reach of my goals
I see an advantage among others by learning the language of the business world, but not just the language of business; also being able to lead and manage a staff to integrate the same and all the company as well. I plan to learn, as much as I can, the ethics and business mind of this side of the world. I have been given the opportunity to study in this developed country, so far away from my home. As I go by, I see those facts that I want to get more involved in, such as the sense of productivity and usefulness that Feng Chia University shows so proudly, which I feel it is a valuable life experience for my future career pursuit. As to myself, I am a man with a great interest in business, motivation is my strength and Taiwan is my road to success; the blend of travelling passion, world globalization culture, effort and sacrifice to the reach of my goals