Sugary Drink Are Bad Essay Example
Drinking two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day may boost women's risk for heart disease and diabetes, even if they're not gaining weight, a new study suggests. Researchers spent five years tracking 4,166 women ages 45 to 84. They found that women who downed at least two sugary drinks a day were nearly four times as likely as those who drank no more than one to have high levels of triglycerides, a fatty substance that in excess has been linked to heart disease, and abnormal levels of fasting glucose, a precursor to diabetes. Women who drank two or more sodas a day also had more belly fat, even if they didn't weigh more than the others. Excess belly fat increases the risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol, and can throw insulin production out of whack. Findings were presented Sunday at the American Heart Association's meeting in Orlando, Fla. "Our soda habit is something we have total control over," said Stacey Rosen, the associate chairman of cardiology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, N.Y., in an interview with HealthDay. "There are a lot of things that keep us healthy that are hard work and difficult, but cutting back on sweetened drinks isn't one of them. We are not talking about doing an hour of exercise or buying expensive organic foods."
Even 1 Soda a Day Can Hike Your Diabetes Risk
A soda a day? That's not so bad—a 150-calorie blip, burned off with a brisk half-hour walk. But it's not only your waistline that's at stake, U.S. News reported in 2010. A study published last year in the journal Diabetes Care found that people with a daily habit of just one or two sugar-sweetened beverages—anything from sodas and energy drinks to sweetened teas and vitamin water—were more than 25 percent likelier to develop type 2 diabetes than were similar individuals who had no more than one sugary drink per month. Since the overall rate of diabetes is roughly 1 in 10, an increase of 25 percent raises the risk to about 1 in 8. One-a-day