
Sullivan and Interpersonal Psychoanalysis

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Sullivan and Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
“Harry Stack Sullivan and Interpersonal Psychoanalysis” Freud and Beyond pg 60-77 Sullivan believed that personality is extracted only through interpersonal relationships and cannot be physically measured or induced when alone. However, personality contains many surfaces and it is molded into a particular side for the corresponding environment. There are categories of behavior where one choses from depending on the individual surrounding them. Sullivan observed how schizophrenics are extra sensitive to social cues and body language and their symptoms have an origin. Before Sullivan, psychopathology and therapy centers inwardly and now Sullivan brings the scope outwards; to the undeniable human need to connect which in turn explains our mental states or problems. The two factors governing interpersonal relationships include anxiety and motivation. Anxiety rules on the automatic response of humans touching dangerous substances, by physically or mentally withdrawing from the anxiety provoking stimuli. Sullivan claims babies are capable of sensing anxious states and adapt behaviors, which will result in non-anxious states within caregivers. He coined the term security for defenses that reduce anxiety temporarily but not delete the permanent issue. People come together on the basis of common intentions that satisfy both parties- also known as integrating tendencies.
Sullivan, H.S. The Interpersonal Theory of Psychoanalysis WW Norton and Co., NY, 1953, pg 227-262 The Juvenile Era refers to a stage where a child learns how to form relationships among peers or other juveniles of the same age group. However, the child also master behaviors that are suitable and promoted by teachers. Their authoritative presence is accepted and exists other than the sole authority held by parents before the juvenile era. The juvenile is introduced to numerous skills from the educational system- competition and compromise. The spirit of competition is worshipped in our society

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