Time and Location:
Office Hours:
Elizabeth Johnson, CPA
Tuesday and Thursday
1700 BEC
BEC Room 2824
eschw15@lsu.edu Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 – 1:00
Course Objective
ACCT 3001 is the first course that offers an in depth examination of generally accepted accounting procedures (GAAP). In this course, we will review the accounting cycle and the four primary financial statements. We will further examine issues relating to cost of goods sold, asset valuation/allocation, liabilities and stockholders’ equity. Even though the uniform CPA examination is not the focus of this course, all of these subjects are extensively examined by the AICPA.
Course Prerequisite
A grade of C or above in ACCT 2001 and ACCT 2101 or equivalent; Math 1431, Accounting or Finance majors admitted to the college of business or permission of the department.
Course website
I will use Moodle to post your grades, your assignments, notes, extra material and any announcements—you are responsible for the material and announcements on the site. Check it frequently. We will also be using the publisher website, WileyPlus, this semester. Instructions to access the website is in Moodle. Once you access it, I suggest you mark the link in your favorite places. The access code to WileyPlus comes with a new textbook.
Course Materials
Intermediate Accounting 15e by Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield (required).
Online access to WileyPlus (comes with new textbook) (required).
This is a rigorous course so you will need to devote considerably more time and effort than in previous accounting courses. Read the required textbook chapters before coming to class, perform the recommended assignments on Wiley Plus, and ask plenty of questions. This will help you do better on the graded assignments. A final note – I assume that you have mastered the introductory material