Quezon Boulevard, Kidapawan City Course Title: Working with Numbers
Course Number: Casa 3/ Preparatory
Unit Credit: 1.5
Course Description:
Working with Numbers 3 is a 1.5 unit subject for CASA 3/Preparatory. It consists of Pre-numerical concepts to compare and order two or more concrete objects, Numerical concepts, Math operations to help the children on how to solve some problems regarding numbers, Geometry to develop visual discrimination of shapes and Time to help the child recognizes the parts of the clock and to know how to tell the time correctly. The content shows the logical sequencing with materials organized according to the fundamental steps of learning---understanding, practicing and testing. The important aspect of the subject is the integration of values and skills in the different subject areas.
General Objectives:
At the end of the school year with the use of the textbook as reference, the learners will be able to
Identify and name size, shape, length, width, weight and height
Describe objects in space by proximity, position, and direction allow the child to develop color appreciation and sensitivity to the harmony of color
Identify the place value for each digit count, read and write whole number solve equations using the different math operations identify and describe common geometric shapes recognize and tell the time correctly
Unit I
Working with numbers Casa 3/Preparatory pages 1-45
a. Size
To be able to compare and order two or more concrete objects according to the measurable attributes of size.
To identify and name sizes such as big, bigger, biggest.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
b. Length
To demonstrate understanding that objects have properties such as size, shape and length, and those comparisons may be made referring to those properties.
To refine visual discrimination of length and indirectly prepare him/her for mathematics.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
c. Width
To refine visual discrimination of width and dimension and indirectly prepare him/her for mathematics.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
d. Weight
To stimulate the child’s interest and awareness in weight difference and indirectly prepare him/her for mathematics.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
e. Height
To simulate the child’s interest and awareness in height difference and indirectly prepare him/her for mathematics.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
f. Spatial Concepts
To be able to describe objects in space by proximity, position, and direction;
To develop judgments in distance.
3 days(40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
g. Colors
To develop child’s chromatic sense; to be able to distinguish between primary, secondary, neutral and gradation of colors; to allow the child to develop color appreciation and sensitivity to the harmony of color.
5 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
Unit II
Working with numbers Casa 3/Preparatory pages 53-91
a. Making 10
To help the child learn how to make tens; to introduce the child to the combinations of tens and units.
3 days (40 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
b. Teens
To show the concept of teens; to be able to count 1-19; to learn that teens means ten plus a certain number of units; to help children understand that the teen numbers are between 10and 20.
3 days
(40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
c. Tens
To understand the concept of tens; to learn that when dealing with numbers above ten, counting in groups is required.
3 days ( 40 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
d. Sequencing
To be able to count from 1 to 100 in correct sequence.
4 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
e. 100 board patters
To understand and use numbers up to 100.
3 days (40 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
f. 100 chain
To understand and use numbers up to 100.
2 days ( 40 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
g. Ordinals
To master the concept of ordinals.
3 days ( 40 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
h. Decimal system- place value
To be able to count, read and write whole numbers and identify the place value for each digit.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
1. Ten and One
To recognize the place value of tens and ones.
3 days ( 40 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
2. Hundred, Ten and One
To introduce the place value of 100, 10, and 1.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
3. Thousand, Hundred, Ten and One
To introduce the place value of 1000, 100, 10, and 1.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
Unit III
Working with numbers Casa 3 /Preparatory pages 97-161
a. Addition
To show the child the meaning of addition (putting together)
1 day (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
1. Static addition
To use concrete objects to determine the answers to addition problems without exchanging.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
2. Dynamic addition
To use concrete objects to determine the answers to addition problems without exchanging.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
3. Problem solving
To use concrete objects to determine the answers to addition problems without exchanging.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
b. Subtraction
To show the child the meaning of subtraction (taking away)
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
1. Static subtraction
To use concrete objects to determine the answers to subtraction problems without exchanging.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
2. Dynamic subtraction
To use concrete objects to determine the answers to subtraction problems without exchanging.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
c. Multiplication
To aid the child in the development of his/her understanding of the operations of multiplication.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
d. Skip counting and patterns
To introduce the concept of skip counting.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
e. Division
To aid the child in the development of his understanding of the operations of division.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
f. Fractions
To recognize, name, and compare unit fractions; to recognize fractions of a whole and parts of a group.
4 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
Working with numbers Casa 3/Preparatory pages 167-175
a. Polygons
To develop visual discrimination of shapes; to identify and describe common geometric shapes; to associate the name with the shape it represents.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
b. Other polygons
To develop visual discrimination of shapes; to identify and describe common geometric shapes; to associate the name with the shape it represents.
3 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
c. Geometric solids
To develop visual sense; to learn the names of other geometric solids; to identify other geometric solids.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
To help the child recognize the parts of a clock; To develop a sense of time.
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
Working with numbers Casa 3/Preparatory pages 179-183
a. By the hour
To recognize and tell the time correctly.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
b. Half hour
To recognize and tell the time correctly.
2 days (40 minutes per day)
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring
Unit test
Summative test
Prepared by:
School For Life (Montessori)
Quezon Boulevard, Kidapawan City
Course Title: Working with Nature
Course Number: Casa 3/ Preparatory
Unit Credit: 1.5
Course Description: Working with Nature 3 is a 1.5 unit subject for CASA 3/Preparatory. It consists about the Living things, Non- living things and Earth and Space. The content shows the logical sequencing with materials organized according to the fundamental steps of learning---understanding, practicing and testing. The important aspect of the subject is the integration of values and skills in the different subject areas.
General Objectives:
At the end of the school year with the use of the textbook as reference, the learners will be able to
Classify the impressions of living things
Help the child recognize similarities among living things
Categorize the animals into different groups
Classify the impressions of non-living things into three basic categories
Identify and classify examples of the different states of matter
Identify and differentiate between day and night
Lesson 1: Body Parts of Man
Lesson 2: Five Sense Organ
Lesson 3: My Plate: Healthy Foods to Eat
Lesson 4: Human Life Sequence
Lesson 1: Pets
Lesson 2: Farm Animals
Lesson 3: Wild and Zoo Animals
Lesson 4: Insects
Lesson 5: Animals and their Young
Lesson 1: Identify the parts of the human body and the functions of these parts
Lesson 2: Help the child recognize that humans have five senses and be able to discriminate among these
Lesson 3: To show the child the importance of eating a variety of healthy foods
Lesson 4: Help the child understand that events can be recorded in relation to a fixed measurement of time
Lesson 1: Help the child categorize animals into different groups
Lesson 2: Help the child recognize and identify farm animals
Lesson 3: Help the child recognize and identify zoo animals
Lesson 4: Help the child recognize and identify insects
Lesson 5: Help the child recognize and identify animals and their young
4 days( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
4 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring flashcards Quizzes
Unit test
Summative test
Working with Nature Casa 3/Preparatory
Pages 4-53
Lesson 6: Animals and their Group
Lesson 7: Foods Animals Eat
Lesson 8: Sounds Animals Make
Lesson 9: Animals Homes
Lesson 10: Ways Animals Move Lesson 11: Animals Coverings
Lesson 12: Animal Feet
Lesson 6: Help the child recognize and identify animals and their groups
Lesson 7: Help the child identify the food animals eat
Lesson 8: Help the child recognize and identify the animals and sounds that they make
Lesson 9: Help foster the child’s understanding that animals have homes like we do
Lesson 10: Learn the ways that animals move
Lesson 11: Learn the animal coverings
Lesson 12: Learn the animals feet
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring flashcards Quizzes
Unit test
Summative test
Working with Nature Casa 3/Preparatory
Pages 57-77
SECOND PERIODICAL EXAMINATION Lesson 13: Uses of Animals Body Parts
Lesson 14: Animal Body Parts
Lesson 15: Life Cycle of Animals
Lesson 1: Common Plants
Lesson 2: Body Parts of Plants
Lesson 13: Help the child identify the importance of animals
Lesson 14: Help the child identify the major structures of common living organisms
Lesson 15: Help the child examine the differences among certain animal life cycles
Lesson 1: Introduce the child to the plant kingdom; help the child identify the different types of plants
Lesson 2: Be able to name the parts of a flowering plant
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring flashcards Quizzes
Unit test
Summative test
Working with Nature Casa 3/Preparatory
Pages 79-110
Lesson 4: Leaves
Lesson 5: Life Cycle of a Plant
Lesson 6: Fruits
Unit II
A. Matter
Lesson 1: States of Matter
B. Force and Motion
Unit III
A. Weather
Lesson 1: Types of Weather
B. The Sky Above
Lesson 1: Objects in the Sky: Daytime
Lesson 2: Objects in the Sky: Night time
C. Day and Night
Lesson 3: Help the children to identify the colors of flowers
Lesson 4: Help the children know the basic leaf shapes
Lesson 5: Help the child understand that plants go through a certain life cycle
Lesson 6: Help the child recognize and name the parts of a fruits
Lesson 1: Help the child classify impressions of non-living things into three basic categories
Help the child understand that non-living things move in various ways; help the child demonstrate understanding of motion and forces
Lesson 1: To help the child learn that changes in weather occur from day-to-day and across seasons
Lesson 1: Be able to describe and identify the location and movements of objects in the sky
Be able to identify the night time sky Able to describe and identify the difference between day and night
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
3 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minutes per day )
2 days ( 50 minute per day )
Class discussion
Group activities
Independent study
Peer tutoring flashcards Quizzes
Unit test
Summative test
Working with Nature Casa 3/Preparatory
Pages 119-157
Prepared by:
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