In the book “Tao of Pooh” author Benjamin Hoff uses a specific style to portray the ideas of Taoism. With the use of Winnie the Pooh characters, Hoff presents the variety of personalities that exist in the world. Hoff begins to mention the principal ideas such as the “Uncarved Block” also known as P’u. Furthermore, Hoff elaborates on the principle of the uncarved block by stating that things that are in their “original simplicity contain their own natural power” (Hoff 10). Hoff portrays Pooh as the figure for the “uncarved block.”…
In the beginning of the chapter “Cottleston Pie” Rabbit attempted to be rid of Kanga and Roo with a clever idea despite his intellect his plan failed. The Cottleston Pie Principle was based upon a song Pooh sang in Winnie the Pooh however the term “Cottleston Pie” merely meant Inner nature. The narrator and Pooh then touch upon the fact that individuals with square pegs tend to attempt putting their pegs into round holes. A few quotes from Pooh himself were served as examples for deep messages from the master of Taoism Chuang-Tse. Tigger the energetic exuberant character demonstrated a person who does not know their limitations. Piglet and Pooh later understood that they should not come up with unnecessary conclusions when they attempted to…
In The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff, the author is explaining Taoism to people who do not know what it is, using a classic childhood story, Winnie the Pooh. Hoff observes every character from the childhood story and finding Pooh to be the best for all. The main and first thing talked about in the story is what Taoism believes as the uncarved block, Hoff which then says it is everything in it’s simplest form. Pooh represents the uncarved block because he in his self is simplistic. Pooh is always calm, and relaxed and doesn’t stress about anything, well except his honey of course. The concept of Wu Wei is a major concept in the book, where there is no struggle to doing something, for example you don’t but the round peg in the square hole, or vice versa, because it is to put the round peg in the round hole. Wu Wei doesn’t try, it just does.…
The Taoism (or the Daoism) is a religious and philosophical tradition of the Chinese. They indicate of living in harmony with nature. The Tao means “the way”, “the path” or “the way things are”, and also can be find in other Chinese philosophies and religious. Everything about the Taoism comes from The Tao Te Ching written by Laozi (or Lao Tzu). The book explains what to know about the Tao, how the Taoist disciple’s should follow the Tao, and which is his/her main goal(s).…
In the beginning of the document, Taoism is described as developed concurrently with Confucianism, as a rival to it (61). Taoism is all about living in harmony with the nature, therefore it is concerned with helping people live in harmony with nature and find internal peace (62). The word way or path is used in both Taoism and Confucianism to signify the fundamental and true nature of the world and people should think along the straight path of nature “He let things rise without dominance, possession or assertion, achieves without taking credit”…
There are many pieces of wisdom in the Tao-Te Ching that will make a person think, even in the short excerpt in our book. At the heart of it all, Lao-Tzu states that he teaches just three things, simplicity, patience, and compassion. Reinforcing his message of how simple everything really is. The basis of the Tao-Te Ching is to be content with yourself and where you are. First we have to learn to be still if we want to learn how to move. With so much to learn, it is easy to see that we do not know a thing.…
Western societal thinkers/philosophers/writers represent, in their own way, the Tao, because... actually, I do not think they represent Taoism, at all. Taoism, I think, is basically just to enjoy life in its simplest form, and not to worry too much - take life as a gift and just enjoy it. Again, I think. After reading this book, (I still have two or three more chapters to go...), I still cannot manage to understand a simple meaning of Taoism. I have looked on the internet, and it is nothing like P'u, because everything I have come across is all so complex. Anyway, if Taoism is that, Western societal thinkers/philosophers/writers do not represent it, at all! They question everything, want to know answers, and usually they question their own existence. Would someone who is... someone like,…
Is difficult to accept the world the way it is, just as it comes. Sometimes we tend to force things to happen and in response we just create more problems, making ourselves unhappy and suffer unnecessarily. Sometimes the best thing to do is to let things go and let them take a natural curse, in order to be leaded to success, whatever that is in each of our lives. Correspondingly, Tao Te Ching and Border Town, focus on Taoism and in both the idea of wu wei is deeply express by giving meaning to life through the constant flow of nature. Moreover, Taoism is centered in the spiritual level of self. It is an ancient religious and philosophical system that started in China. Tao meaning “the way,” can’t be described with words, neither can it be conceived…
The uncarved block (P’u) is representative of things as they are in their natural form, untouched, and unchanged. Pooh is the uncarved block in the story of “The Tao of Pooh.” Piglet explains it perfectly when he says, “Pooh hasn’t much Brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right (Huff, p.21).” Pooh is simple, like a child, and that does not mean in any way that he is stupid, in fact, to the Taoist it means quite the opposite. Pooh has an inner wisdom because he carries no arrogance. Pooh is humble. His mind is empty and he is open to the experience of his current…
Confucianism, a key idea to the Ancient Chinese culture, had a very rigid and hierarchical reputation. While this is a very dominant idea within the Chinese way of thought, it had a rival, Taoism. The Taoist idea was that one should live in harmony with nature, and by high school, we should all know this definition and be very familiar with it. However, one has to ask themselves: Why did Taoism originate in the first place?…
In one chapter there is a story where Eeyore loses his tail. In this story Pooh goes looking for his tail and finds that owl had been using it as a doorbell. This story is a very interesting addition to the book and shows Eeyore's personality through it. In a story book like this one every story is important with tying the whole book together while keeping the reader interested…
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff is certainly an interesting book. Pooh has always been an interesting character and his ways seem to be very close to the ancient Chinese principle of Taoism. When I was younger I was a great fan of Pooh and Huff does a great job of explaining the Taoist philosophy through Pooh and his animal friends. This is not your average children’s bedtime story just as A. A. Milne orginally did not write the Pooh stories for children.…
In the beginning of the “How of pooh?” taoism is being explained to pooh. We are introduced to three representations of China through the vinegar tasters in a picture. These tasters represented the teachings of K’ung Fu-tse (Confucius), the Buddha, and Lao-tse. The narrator provided a more in depth understanding of each philosopher. K’ung Fu-tse (Confucianism) emphasized reverence for Ancestors, as well as having ancient rituals and ceremonies with the emperor. Confucianism contained the use of precisely measured elements and phrases that were used for a particular purpose at particular times. The world is considered bitter and desirous which caused Nirvana to be a necessary part in the Buddhist perspective. Finally there is the Lao-tse a…
Chuang Tzus ideal person has discovered the Tao, or Way. The Tao can be described as the underlying unity that embraces man, Nature, and all that is in the universe. This manner of living involves a central message of freedom, from both the material world and traditional, rational thought. By following the Way, the true sage can attain an existence liberated from worldly constraint and live in peaceful harmony with nature.…
Our Society is comprised of many different views and beliefs through various teachings. These teachings gave the world a different view on life and how we can live our life in peace. A good example of one of the teachings was the Tao-Te Ching. Lao-Tzu wrote the Tao-Te Ching, during the time in china of 551-479 B.C.E., which is better known as Taoism. The teaching of the “Tao” greatly emphasizes about good government and moral behavior in our everyday living.…