Nuraini ridi s (C9310058)
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Septyanita (c9310071)
The advantage and disadvantage of using cellphone for kids
Do you know where your kids are? For many parents the answer is a resounding yes; they always know where their kids are. Cell phones have changed family life in many ways. They provide parents with peace of mind, and they're great in emergencies. But cellphones also have some disadvantages,such as kids use cellphone to do lots things without parents’ knowledge and cellphone offers oppotunities for underisable behaviour.
Childern who have a cellphone will make their parent feel safe with their kids’ condition. Family members can always reach each other. Cell phones are also convenient and time-saving. Kids can let parents know where they are, when they need to be picked up, when they'll be late, and just generally what's happening. Parents can let children know if their plans change, whether they'll be late, and where to meet. In many ways, cell phones make life easier and safer.
As with many technological innovations, there are some possible negative aspects of cell phones that parents should be aware of. Cell phones are not just for talking. As the technology becomes more and more sophisticated, kids can use cell phones to do lots of other things without their parents' knowledge. With some phones kids can take pictures, text message or surf the Web for videos and games. They can also download pictures, videos, and music. Cell phones allow kids to keep their contacts secret and can facilitate contact with bad influences.
Cell phones offer opportunities for undesirable behavior, such as cheating on tests or teen dating abuse. Teens have reported that they have been called names, harassed, put down by their partner, or asked to engage in sex through cell phones and texting. They have also reported that boyfriends/girlfriends sharing private or embarrassing pictures/videos on cell phones and