Leon-Portilla based the stories told in the book upon old writings of actual Aztec people who survived the Spanish massacres. Many of the people who were in these writings were: priest, wise men and simply regular people. Most history of the Aztec empire are based of Spanish accounts of the events. this is why I feel this story is so special because it represents a realistic point of view coming from Aztec survivors. This story portrays the Spanish as horrible people. It shows the Spanish exploiting the Aztecs and even killing them for what they would like to say no reason. Simply it depicted how the Spanish would come through and brutally murder everyone . An example is when the Spanish sealed off the entrances to the palace so that no one could leave, then went through murdering anyone in sight.
These documents differ from the arguments made in the book in regards to the American Exchange greatly. In the book they don’t depict the American Exchange negatively at all. Christopher Columbus is seen as a hero and everything is glorified. In The Broken Spears Leon-Portilla depicts the Spaniards actions as horrid and brutal. I think they are depicted as complete opposites in the context of each