
The Diamond Necklace Essay Example

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The Diamond Necklace Essay Example
Essays on the Diamond Necklace:

Mathile not only was she unhappy,but also nothing seemed to make her happy.Some may say you cannot always have everything in life you may want.

In the story "The Diamond Necklace" it shows us that greed and envy can lead to destruction. In this story Mathilde is a very envious woman whom always dreamed of a life that she could not have. She was very charming and beautiful woman who thought that she must have been born into the wrong life, Since she had no way of getting known and married by a rich man.

Instead she married a simple middle class man and lived a middle class life. All the while she dreamed of living the life of the rich. With beautiful gowns and glittlering jewelry. How happy she thought she would be. Then one day it happened that she and her husband where invited to a dinner ball. Her husband, thought this would make his wife happy since this is what she spent all of her time day dreaming of. Here is was the thing that consumed her finally at, but she was not happy. In fact, Mathilde was even more distraught because it brought to her attention that she had nothing proper to wear. Hoping to impress her guests and thus " fit in", she borrows a beautiful diamond necklace from her friend. Unfortunately,during the course of the evening, the necklace is lost.

Rather than confront her friend directly with the story of her carelessness,she and her husband scrape together every bit of money that they can. Mathilde and her husband was forced to work for years to replace the necklace that turns out to be nothing but plastic.

Object being the necklace which she eventually loses and tries to replace. Instead of hiding the truth and facing the music, which was harder, to take than when she lied. The old adage which says," what a tangled web weave when we first start to deceive". Don't worship gold and material possession's. jealousy and envy are among the greatest of sins and have been the down fall of

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