Most contemporary theories recognize that both biological and environmental factors influence child development, but they disagree about the relative importance of each of these factors for development or the balance between the influences. Today, there are no theories that support either of these arguments. All aspects of a man's life - his character, sense of responsibility, good and bad habits, ability to cope with difficulties, are primarily shaped during his childhood. The bright memories of his childhood can strengthen and warm a man during trying times, and, contrarily, those who have not had a happy childhood can in no way remake it. When we meet an orphan who has never had parental affection, or a step-son or step-daughter whose broken spirits are a result of difficulties at home, we can sense in them the imprint of painful early impressions. Children intentionally try to understand and explore the world about them. They are widely featured in the media most of the time and for good or bad, a child’s lifestyle and actions mostly compromise from their upbringing. Socializing agents such as parents, peers, or teachers do not simply mold the child. Instead, children actively influence and modify the actions of their parents and other people with whom they interact. It is an important process to how they are brought up and how the society affects them since they are the future and the main pillars of the country. Child upbringing usually leads to the change in the children’s abilities and behaviours as they develop. Therefore, before this becomes an alarming issue, the research team decides to come up with a proposal to see how important child upbringing is towards an individual physically, mentally and emotionally. As child upbringing can lead to various ways, we are mainly focusing on the attachment between the child and the care-giver, education , actions taken by the government regarding child abuse and