The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) define counselling, along with psychotherapy, as being “umbrella terms that cover a range of talking therapies” (BACP, 2012: 1). In addition, counselling is provided by practitioners who “work with people over a short or long term to help them bring about effective change or enhance their wellbeing” (BACP, 2012: 1). Those who practice counselling in a professional manner undergo intensive training and personal development, the latter of which has been “defined in terms of self-awareness and change” (Wheeler, 1996: 75). These changes, according to Johns, “influence the whole person” (Johns, 1997). This research proposal highlights how student counsellors’ significant relationships can be impacted by this intensive training regime. After discussing the literature on this topic, the aims, objectives and rationale for this research will be provided.
1. Research Aims and Objectives
The aim of this small scale qualitative research is to explore the impact of the personal development element of counsellor training and how this affects the student counsellor’s significant relationships. The focus will be on, though not solely, student counsellors’ relationships with partners. However, reference will be made to other types of relationships. This aim will be achieved via semi-structured interviews examining the specific concepts of personal development, self-awareness, changes in personal relationships, as well as a full comprehensive exploration of student responsibilities in significant relationships. The data will be analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) (Smith, 2003), which will provide the lived experiences of participants.
2. Rationale
The rationale for conducting this research is that personal development and self-awareness are key elements of counsellor training