Music comes in all shapes and forms. When most people think of music they think of what you hear on the radio but music is all around us. From a young age we have learned what music is, from hearing the sounds of our mothers voice, to hearing pots and pans bang in the kitchen while dinner is being prepared. When I looked up the definition of music it said "The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre." Which means that music can pretty much be made out of everything we can get our hands on.
How does this effect children, you may ask? How does it not effect children! Some benefits of music are it Stimulates the brain, "Music simply stimulates parts of the brain that are related to reading, math, and emotional development.", improve memory "Further research has shown that participation in music at an early age can help improve a child's learning ability and memory by stimulating different patterns of brain development," helps them socially by teaching them how to work together (in a band, choir, ect.) is a confidence builder, teaches patience, teaches discipline, fosters creativity and so much more.
It is a shock to me that due to budget cuts, music class is the first to be cut in most schools. In my opinion music class should be just as important as math science or English. "Schools with music programs have significantly higher graduation rates...schools with music programs score higher on there standardized tests...schools with music programs also had higher English and math scores, all compared to schools with out music