Date: 21 June 2012
Executive Summary
The focus of the project you’re about to read is on the recently phone hacking scandal of famous UK News agency, - The News of The World. The report include a brief explanation of what has happened based on pre-selected online articles, analysis of the scandal from Business Ethics point of view by using various CSR theories discussed during the CSR course in period four and provides conclusion and recommendations on what could have been done.
The research is built on identification of the moral problem identification, analysis of the scandal, optional actions which could have been taken to avoid the situation, evaluation of the scandal from business ethics perspective by using business ethics theories. To make sure that the scandal is analyzed realistically the report covers different stakeholder perspectives.
Nonetheless, the report addresses one of the most important scandals of the news industry and aims to handle the issues from Business Ethics and CSR point of view.
Contents Introduction 3 The News of the World and Phone hacking Scandal background 4 1. What the dilemma is about 5 2. Stakeholder Analysis 6 2.1. Who acted and who had to act? 6 2.2. Stakeholder and their interests/actions 7 2.3. Moral values 9 3. Theoretical analysis 10 3.2. Sustainability 10 3.3. Ethical Value Judgment 11 3.4. Virtue Ethics (Phone Hacking) 12 3.5. Utilitarianism: Consequentialist approach 13 3.6. Universalism: Deontological approach 14 4. Conclusion and recommendations 15 Bibliography 16
The scandal analyzed within this report is one of the most discussed and complicated scandals the news world has ever faced.
In order to be able to realistically present company and adequately evaluate this whistle blowing journalistic research which revealed the greatest journalistic