Politics (from Greek: politikos, meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level.
Politics, in its broadest sense, as the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live (pp. 4-5).
Political science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, nation, government, and politics and policies of government. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state.[1] It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems, political behavior, and political culture.
The scope of Political Science implies its area of study or subject matter. It is a very comprehensive and expanding social science. An attempt was made by the International Political Science
Association in Paris in 1948 to delineate its scope. It classified the same into four zones, namely, Political Theory, Political Institution, Political Dynamics and International Relations. We may attempt to describe its scope as follows.
Political Theory is the examination and discussion of important political ideas. The accent is on the critical analysis of the theories of classical political philosophy as well as the ideas of contemporary political thinkers.
1. Political Theory:
It deals with the definition and meaning of fundamental concepts of Political Science like state, government, law, liberty, equality, justice, sovereignty, separation of powers, methods of representation, forms of government, grounds of political obligation and various ideologies.
A clear understanding of these basic terms and concepts is essential for the study of Political Science. A student of Political Science must start his lessons with political theory.
2. Political Philosophy:
It is concerned with the theoretical and speculative consideration of the fundamental principles used by Political Science. Eminent