|Copy and paste the down arrow ( ( ) into boxes to show that a unit of material is continuing. |
|Copy and paste the left arrow ( ( ) into boxes to show where a unit of material ends. |
|Paragraphs |Immediate Context |Major Points |Major Sections |Theme |
|(Submit in parts 1-3) |(Submit in Parts 2-3) |(Submit in Part 3) |(Submit in Part 3) |(Submit in Part 3) |
|1:1–5 |1:1-26 with onset of | |1:1-8:3 |1:1–28:31 |
|Introduction |Pentecost |1:1-2:47 |Jerusalem’s early church |Universal God evangelized to |
| | |Pentecost | |all |
|1:6–11 |( |( |( | |
|Jesus departs | | | | |
|1:12–14 |( |( |( | |
|Disciples are established | | | | |
|1:15–26 |( |( |( | |
|Judas is replaced with | | |