I like the story ‘Catch Us If You Can’. The characters are interesting. There are suspense excitements and humors from the beginning to the end of the story and the themes are universal and relevant to our lives. The characters in the novel are fascinating people. Rory is a remarkable young boy who has responsibility thrust upon him because his grandfather is aging, has memory lapses and needs constant care and attention. Young as he is, Rory makes sure his grandfather takes his medication, does the shopping and the cooking and even cleans the house. He is truly to be admired.
In addition to the interesting characters, the story ‘Catch Us If You Can’ is full of thrill and suspense. We wonder whether Granda will die after the accidental fire. When Rory escapes with his sick and weak grandfather, whether the old man will survive remains a mystery. Their first encounter with Sammy and Throne is unfriendly and aggressive. Thus, we fear the two may be hurt or taken to the police station. This happens at various points in the story when Granda knocks the man at the station with a bottle and even petrol attendant is suspicious. The writer keeps the readers guessing whether these people are friends or foes. Tension mounts when Rory’s father turns up. In a sense, the writer withholds information, and by doing so, keeps the reader on edge from the beginning to the end of the story.
Another element that makes the novel interesting is humour. Granda’s visit to school for the Parents’ Night turns out to be hilarious. He leans forward, close to Mrs. Foley’s face, and announces, “You have got a moustache.” That remark and Mrs. Foley’s reaction, “her nose began to twitch” and the fire that is sparked by Granda’s smoking pipe adds some slapstick fun to the incident.
While there is humour in the