Zachery Cerebe
Ms. Stewart
Period 2
March 26, 2013
Cerebe 1 of 5
Table of Contents
I. Theme of Pride in the Iliad II. Proof 1 III. Proof 2 IV. Proof 3 V. Conclusion
Cerebe 2 of 5
“Like the generations of leaves, the lives of mortal men. Now the wind scatters the old leaves across the earth, now the living timber bursts with the new buds and spring comes round again. And so with men: as one generation comes to life, another dies away.” The period in which the events in The Iliad takes place is different than the times of today. Back then, the most important aspect of life for a person is to be a hero and to be remembered. One's pride comes before everything else. In the present day, this concept would be thought of as illogical or foolish. Achilles, Hector, and Agamemnon are all great warrior and powerful kings of their time and demonstrate the theme of pride during their life. Pride however is the downfall of all these characters in Homer’s epic poem, the Iliad. Achilles’ pride will never let him lose. Hector’s pride makes him an honorable man. Agamemnon’s pride makes him a power greedy king.
Achilles is the main character in the Iliad and the strongest among warriors. Pride or hubris is his driving force through battle. This force of pride carries him toward his fight to achieve immortality. An example of Achilles showing his pride is during an argument with Agamemnon. Achilles responds to Agamemnon’s demand by retreating from the battle, sulking at his own ships, and begging his goddess mother to make Agamemnon pay for his rash behavior and dishonoring of her son. He insists that for the dishonor he has been shown he will no longer fight with the Achaeans. Another example is when Agamemnon takes Achilles’ war prize. “And now my prize you threaten in person to strip me, for whom I labored much, the gift of the son’s of the Achaeans. Never, when the Achaeans sack some well-founded