America is recognized for its laws regarding freedom. By allowing smoking in public places, we are taking away the freedom of health from nonsmokers. Through banning areas where smoking is permitted, we limit freedoms of the smoker, but do not eliminate the freedom entirely. The ban would be seen more as a restriction on where these freedoms can be exercised to ensure well being for all people, smokers and nonsmokers. These limitations are for the good of the American people as a whole, which makes the ban an appropriate course of action.…
The American Academy Pediatrics (AAP) has conducted research on the effects of thirdhand smoke and found that it is also harmful. Thirdhand smoke is the smoke left behind—the harmful toxins that remain in places where people have smoked previously. Thirdhand smoke can be found in the walls of a bar, upholstery on the seats of a car, or even a child's hair after a caregiver smokes near the child.…
Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems. Both first-hand and second-hand smokers are affected by cigarette smoke. Scientific findings and researches show that the chemicals in cigarettes, apart from the smoke, can lead to health problems such as lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. In public places, more people, both young and old, can be exposed to the smoke from cigarettes. My position differs from those who might say that smoking altogether should not be banned. My position is that smoking in public places should be banned. It does not include smoking in private places like homes. Smoking in public places should be banned because it poses health risks to individuals who are non-smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from cigarettes. The risks are double to those who already have lung ailments.…
Some states already started banning cigarette smoking to protect the health of the masses. In fact, more states and local cities started giving ordinances and prohibitions on smoking in public area. One of the leading causes of preventable death in United States is the tobacco products, it kills nearly thousands of Americans each year. They were saying that smoking is such a harmful activity and should be removed and banned, and then there are many other activities that should be banned due to the fact…
"Tobacco smoke pollution contains several thousands of chemicals, including: two-hundred poisons, and more than fifty chemicals that cause cancer. From a public…
Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke just protruding from your clothes? Have you ever coughed and choked as you inhaled a cloud of smoke as a group of immature smokers passed by? If you have, then you would agree that neither one of these experiences is very pleasant, and could have been avoided if smoking was banned in public places.…
When something starts to validate an individuals health rights, issues will be brought up. Smoking is something that America has discovered more and more about over the years and has found increasing numbers of facts about diseases and problems associated with it and the pollution it emits. Anyone who passes by a smoker can inhale the excess smoke and…
In children it causes 790,000 ear infections, 200,000 episodes of asthma, at least 24,000 low birth weight or preterm deliveries. When non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke it’s called involuntary smoking or passive smoking. Regardless if you’re smoking or not, if you’re around someone who is smoking you’re taking in nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do. The workplace is a major source of secondhand smoke exposure for adults (USA today: June 28,…
1. Attention Grabber: Statistic-“Secondhand smoke causes almost 50,000 deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year, including approximately 3,400 from lung cancer and 22,700-69,600 from heart disease. (American Lung Association)…
For several decades, smoking remains one of the most common and most unhealthy of human habits. Smoking, specifically in public, had generally been regarded as a personal choice that bystanders had little control over. Now for the first time, the act of public smoking is becoming regulated, even restricted in many cities worldwide. The city of Columbia has recently implemented a ban on smoking in efforts to reduce the negative effects of smoking on employees and customers of restaurants and bars. The issue is that smoke directly affects everyone in the vicinity of a public place, restaurant or bar. Based on the evidence that a ban on smoking prevents secondhand smoke, deters the unhealthy habit of smoking, does not affect business in similar cities, the city of Columbia should retain its ban on smoking in restaurants and bars.…
There are many reasons why smoking in public should be banned. The three main reasons to ban smoking in public are because of the health risks, offensive smell, and environmental risks that are the cause of cigarette smoke. Secondhand smoke is smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe that is involuntarily inhaled, especially by non-smokers (The American Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, n.d.). In many public places smoking is allowed and is not fair because non-smokers are exposed to chemicals that can harm them internally and externally. Children for example, are chronic victims of secondhand smoke. The inhalation of cigarette smoke that can harm people nearby is called passive smoking (Pros Vs. Cons, 2007, p.1). Also cigarette smoke can make non-smokers agitated by the smell of cigarette smoke, which is not very pleasant. Also the environment is tainted by the hazardous chemicals, which can cause permanent scars on the earth. For the most part, smoking in public should be banned to help decreases its negative affects.…
Lies are easy to start but hard to stop. Once one lie is told, the odds of having to tell another lie to back up the first one and so on is practically inevitable. The Princess and the Puma is a story about a man, Ripley Givens, working on Espinosa Ranch who wants to marry the princess, Josefa O’Donnell, but decides to be deceitful in doing so. Ripley Givens is a perfect example of when someone resorts to lying as a way to impress somebody else, they turn out looking like fools in their web of lies when caught in the end.…
Cigarette smoking, the use of tobacco products, and second hand smoke exposure are one of the most serious and well documented health risks. Approximately one out of every five deaths each year is attributable to smoking. Further, each year, approximately 38,000 deaths in the United States are caused by exposure to secondhand smoke©. Second hand smoke is poisonous and toxic compounded with over fifty cancer-causing chemicals. A person is generally exposed to this hazard by smoke from a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe, or the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Generally the nonsmoker is not welcoming the exposure, but is subjected to this hazard because of being in the same vicinity of that of a smoker.…
Another consequence that smokers have to bear other than what they are doing to their own bodies, is what they might be doing to other people as well. There has been a huge uproar among non smokers about the detrimental side affects that they have to be exposed to because of those who smoke. They believe…
There are approximately 3,000 adult US deaths from lung cancer that has been caused by secondhand smoke exposure. Along with causing cancer, adults have a greater chance of developing asthma later in life if exposed to secondhand smoke. There have been studies that link secondhand smoke to stroke and heart attacks in adults. Secondhand smoke exposure causes approximately 46,000 heart attacks each year in the United States. The exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease by about 30 percent. Along with causing cancer some studies show that secondhand smoke causes mental and emotional changes in adults. These changes include cases of depression and other emotional changes. More studies are needed in order to prove the links between more mental health issues and secondhand smoke (Health risks of secondhand smoke, 2017). There are 7,000 identified chemicals found in secondhand smoke. Of those 7,000 chemicals 250 are known to be harmful and dangerous to the body including: hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. There are at least 69 cancer causing chemicals identified in secondhand smoke. Some of those cancer causing chemicals include: arsenic, benzene,…