1.Atticus is extremely disappointed and walks out of the courtroom after the verdict is announced.
2. When Miss Maudie is explaining that they had people like Atticus, she was telling Jem that there were people in this world who do not fall into mob mentality. She tries to explain that even though Atticus did not win, he had got the town "thinking" for themselves for a change, rather than act on prejudice alone. He has created respect for the individual.
3.Miss Maudie says they have at least made a baby step in the right direction because she knows that the jury actually contemplated weather or not they were going to convict Tom which means the towns were looking past prejudices for once.
4. Dill says he wants to be a clown that laughs at people instead of people laughing at him. This means that Dill wants to laugh at people (society) because they are being so dumb in the Tom Robinson court case.
Chapter 23:
1. Atticus doesn’t take Bob Ewells threat seriously because he thinks that Mr. Ewells just taking his anger on Atticus.
2. a)In a courtroom, if a defendant is put on a stand with only circumstantial evidence, that person is entitled to reasonable doubt. Circumstantial evidence means the acquitted person was there at the time of the offense, but there's no actual proof like DNA and things like that.
b)People always believe white men before black because of prejudices.
c)People have already made up there minds before even hearing a word of the case because of racism and prejudices.
d)Sooner of later people are going to realize how wrong they treated people of different race and they are going to pay for it.
3. a) Atticus believes the Cunninghams are honest hard working people.
b)Alexandra believes the Cunninghams are lower class, trash.
4. Jem can’t accept Scout’s opinion because Jem knows its not because in the mostly to kinds of people, the good and the bad.
Chapter 24:
1.The missionary ladies seem to be rather