Week 5
This week’s goal is to begin collecting information and planning for the final Commentary essay by reading, thinking, and engaging with your topic. As you determine your topic, you’ll want to be sure it’s viable by understanding the perspectives within it and determining what unique angle you can offer to the conversation. Under each prompt or question below, provide detailed information that shares information about your topic.
1. What is your chosen topic, and how did you come across it? Why is it interesting to you? What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic?
My chosen topic is teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is very common in this day and age so everywhere you look you’re hearing about it. I saw an article on teen pregnancy and the web and the author was questioning whether the reason teen pregnancies are increasing is because of the media. This interested me a lot because I’m a teen mom as well and I wanted to know what statistics showed about them. My overall goal in writing this is to come to conclusion as to why more and more teen are becoming pregnant.
2. Provide a brief summary of the topic. Explain the current issues surrounding the topic and share at least two different positions on the topic. As this is a summary, this section should be written in your own words; however, you must first conduct research to complete this section. Find at least two sources that offer differing perspectives on this topic and summarize their points of view. In your summary, also explain who the author or publishing organization is and how he, she, or it relates to the topic. Although we will be learning more about APA style next week, use Chapter 28 in your textbook and our APA class tutorials to provide full references for both sources.
Statistics show that 3 in 10 women will get pregnant before the age of 20, which averages to about 750,000 teen pregnancies