Tuto rial 2 0 2 2 0 1 2
The e x amination
Ple as e note that the s tudents regis te red for this module are required to submit the two compulsory as s ignments (i.e . As s ignment 01 and As s ignment 02) in orde r to gain examination admis s ion.
Unfor tunate ly the re is no fur the r oppor tunity to gain e xamination admis s ion.
We have de cide d to put toge the r more s pe cific guide line s on what to s tudy for the e xams with the hope that this will alleviate some of the tens ion and e as e the workload a bit more for you. Fir s t le t us addre s s the more te chnical aspe cts re lating to the format of your examination que s tion pape r .
Fo rmat o f e x am que s t io n pape r
• The duration of the examination ques tion paper is 2 hours .
• The examination ques tion paper cons is ts of 7 que s tions .
• All 7 que s tions are compuls ory.
• The ques tion paper cons is ts of es say type ques tions only
• Allocation of marks range s from 5 to 20 marks .
T ips on how to pre pare fo r the e x amination
In o rde r to pre pa re fo r the e x am in g e ne ra l, it is impo rtant to hav e a tho ro ug h unde rs tanding o f the fo llowing :
• Mic ro - s kills of c ouns e lling
• Che c king - in and how to fac ilitate the be g inning o f a c o uns e lling s e s s io n
• Inte rs e c to ra l c o llabo ra t io n
• Che c king - o ut
• Prac tic e frame wo rk fo r ps y c ho lo g y
• Ethic s
You will be provide d with a trans cr ipt of a hypothe tical or imaginary couns e lling dialogue then asked que s tions bas ed on that dialogue . You we re provided with many example s of imaginary dialogue s in your Trans formative Couns e lling Encounte rs Study Guide . An example of such a hypothe tical or imaginary dialogue is provided in the s cenar io titled Mary linda and T he mbi – A g o o d Matc h o r an e x e rc is e in futility provided on page 72 and continued on page 82. Note though, that the hypothe tical