True Colors Assignment
True Colors was developed by Don Lowry in 1978 and taught by Dr. Robert Ray Meadows, an Associate Director of 4-H out of VA Tech when I saw it. He was sharing this as a way for us to support people by giving people a tool to think about differences in people. I thought it would be a fun way to think about personalities and supporting people.
True Colors uses colors to identify four distinct perspectives and personalities. Understanding your true colors and the colors of your co-workers or classmates, spouse or friends, children or parents, clients and others will bring about new awareness in not only understanding yourself and others, but will make you more effective in your relationships with these important people in your life. The four true colors make up your character spectrum. Knowing your primary color will provide you clues as to what defines you by identifying your strengths, joys, needs and what causes you stress and frustration. Your personal and professional success is based, in part, on your self-confidence, esteem, and your ability to communicate effectively with others. True colors provide the key to your success by giving you a way to understand not only how you are motivated, but how to motivate and esteem others, thus increasing everyone’s productivity. Colors have always been successfully used in the learning process. The four True Colors are gold, blue, orange and green. Each color represents personality types and serves as a tool for discussion and understanding. Every person has a BLEND of these four colors – people are not put into boxes, nor is there any such thing as a purest. The blends make us healthy individuals.
Short and Sweet:
Listen to each of these descriptions: Pick the color you think best describes you and type it in at the top of the page on the assignment worksheet provided. ORANGE - I am adventuresome, skillful, spontaneous, and physical. I like to be playful,