The truth as Herbert brings out is horrifying. Racism still exists today. Herbert brings many statistics to prove how Hispanics and Blacks in New York City have been stopped more by police than whites. The truth is however that racism still DOES exist today; and it probably will exist for many more years to come. In societies stereotypes influence peoples opinions of different ethnic groups, no matter how not racist a person is. I will always be looked at as a Jew. For some Neo-Nazi's no matter what I do or say they will be racist against me.
I totally agree with Herbert. For a government run program like a police department, it must be on a muh higher level than regular society. They should not be stopping someone based on suspicion for the pure reason of their skin color or what country they come from. But as we know there is not much to be done to stop this. Policemen (and women) are people who also live in communities. They use their judgement to decide if something is suspicious. No one can tell them to stop that, even if their suspicion is only based on someones race. Their conscious is still going to tell them what they think is right. As individual people to help and support in Herbert's request we can all stop judging other people and hope it will spread to those police officers in New York.