In the consumer buying there are different buying roles; i.e.
Initiator: -- A Person who first suggest the idea of buying.
Influencer: - A Person who influence the buying decision.
Decider: - A Person who takes decisions regarding buying
Buyer: - A Person who actually buys the products.
User: - A Person who is the user of the product. BUSINESS BUYING ROLES
In the business buying there are different buying roles; i.e.
Approver: -- A Person who approves the idea of buying.
influencer: -- A Person who influence the buying decision.
Decider: -- A Person who takes decisions regarding buying
Buyer: -- A Person who actually buys the products.
User: -- A Person who is the user of the product. TYPES OF BUYING BEHAVIOR
There is a great difference between the purchasing of a computer and a car. Buying decisions making varies with the type of buying decision. The types of buying behavior divided are separately divided as per of consumer and business buying. TYPES OF CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR This is to be extensively divided in four types: - 1. Complex Buying Behavior: -- when the consumer are highly involved in the purchase and aware of significant differences among brands.
2. Dissonance Reducing Buying Behavior: -- when the consumer are highly involved in the purchase but sees