The way you can get your citizenship is if you get your residency card, you must wait a period of five years to get an appointment. This process is more difficult. This process is hard because of the residency part. If you do happen to get it you get a phone call letting you know that you have been chosen. Once you have been chosen you take citizenship test.
The second way you can get your citizenship is by filling out an application that requires you to put down all your information like your birthday, hair color, eye color Etc. Once you have filled out the application, they call you but this time they set up an interview. If the interview goes great they make you take a test on your knowledge. Things on the test ask you about United States history, its independence, our Presidents, our Government and certain things of that nature.
If one passes the test they verify that you are eligible to become a United States citizen. They later on approve you and you become a United States citizen. So the processes to become a citizen might be difficult and might take some time but U.S citizenship is very