Relationship: Aunt
Question1: What inspired you to become a U.S. citizen?
Answer1:”To live free of fear. And I had been in the U.S. for 12 years without being a citizen.”
Question2: What steps did you have to take as a part of the naturalization process? Answer(s)2: >Step 1: Find out if you are eligible >Step 2: Complete an application and collect the necessary documents >Step 3: Get Photographed >Step 4: Send your application, documents, and fee to the Service Center >Step 5: Get Fingerprinted >Step 6: Being Interviewed >Step 7: Receive a decision >Step 8: Take the oath and become a citizen
Question3: How would you describe how you felt about the process?
Answer3: I think it’s a long process and stressful with the right documentation and the test but worth it and a needed process.
Question4: How has citizenship changed your life?
Answer4: I can vote. Papers that I fill out I can now mark that am a citizen.
Question5: Is your daily life different because of citizenship?
Answer5: “Not really, or actually at all.”
Question6: Do you feel the process was worthwhile?
Answer6: “Yes, the process it worthwhile. If I am planning on living here, might as well be a citizen.
Question7: If you had to, would you do it again? Please explain.
Answer7: If I had to yes I would do it again. Living in America for 12 years and being a citizen of another country is not right.
Question8: How long did the whole process take you?
Answer8:”Almost 2 years.”