Colorado Northwestern Community College
Professor Susie Rogers
Ashlee Myers
September 11, 2010
Veterinarian- Definition An interesting line of work is being a veterinarian, and though it can take a lot of work it can be very rewarding. Veterinarians care for the health of pets, livestock, and animals in, and zoos. “The AMVA (American Medical Veterinary Association) says that seventy seven percent of veterinarians who work in private medical practices treat pets” (American Medical Veterinary Association). Some veterinarians help to protect humans from contracting diseases carried by animals by researching on human and animal health problems. When trying to become a veterinarian, a person needs to take at least four years of regular school and four years of veterinary medicine school. Some veterinarian programs require, a bachelor’s degree, but most require that you have to forty five to ninety semester hours at the undergraduate program. Pre veterinarian colleges normally require chemistry, Physics, biochemistry, general biology, animal biology, animal nutrition, genetics, vertebrate embryology, cellular biology, microbiology, zoology, and systemic physiology. Some colleges want you to take English or literature, other humanities, and social sciences. They may also require business management to help new graduates with running their own practice. When you become a veterinarian you work to prevent disease and other problems in their patients. They examine animal patients, give out vaccinations, prevent the transmission of animal disease to people, and advise owners about ways to keep pets and livestock healthy. Veterinarians, use the same medical equipment that doctors would on their patents. They also perform surgery on animals just like doctors do