With all the mass shootings recently, I feel that the public has—in a way—become numb to the next big incident. Until it comes to children, does it come back into the news. Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) said in 2012, “I agree, now is not the time to talk about gun laws. The time for that conversation was long before all those kids in Connecticut died today” (13). Though we have not talked much about gun control and its repercussions, Beck’s book creates a bigger picture of what we have discussed so far and how far…
Weisman reports on the senate’s decision to block several methods to expand gun control. In the wake of the violent shooting that left 20 children dead in Newtown Connecticut, The Senate was challenged with the decision to increase gun control in order to help prevent this tragedy from ever happening again. 90 percent of Americans want gun control however, “A bipartisan compromise to expand background checks for gun buyers, a ban on assault weapons and a ban on high-capacity gun magazines all failed to get the 60 votes needed under an agreement between both parties”,(Weisman 2013 para 2). Survivors and those affected by those who were harmed by gun violence were appalled at the decision made by the senate. President Obama also commented on the decision by the senate calling the day “a pretty shameful day for Washington”. Those who opposed gun control said they chose not to base their decisions off passion, despite the fact the victims and family of victims…
In the article, “After Scalise Shooting, a Twist: Lawmakers Want to Loosen Gun Laws” by Emily Cochrane demonstrates the politics of gun control. After the recent Scalise shooting at a baseball field, gun control laws have been put into the spotlight. A debate between lawmakers who want to loosen gun control laws and lawmakers who want to make them stricter. After the Conservative lawmakers were almost victims, they decided that they should be able to have a concealed weapon on them. Being shot at gave them a different perspective on gun control and felt that it should be less intense. They felt that no matter what, “the bad guys are always going to get guns” (Cochrane). Even today, there is still debate on how strict gun control laws should…
According to the article, “Leaders: America and Guns,” it is evident that gun control has proven ineffective when it comes to dissolving the “love affair” that exists between Americans and their guns (“Leaders: America and Guns”). This article highlights the issues that permeate throughout America regarding pro gun groups. Not only is this article persuasive, it infuses a degree of rhetorical strategies including logical, as well as emotional appeals to fortify the issue at hand. Various examples, statistics, and sound evidence is brought to the table, adequately arguing and developing the position that, “Americans want to keep their guns, no matter how high the price,” (“Leaders: America and Guns”). Furthermore, the other article, “Support for Gun Control Legislation,”…
In light of the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, people across the country—especially politicians—have been pushing for immediate action towards gun policies. Some believe that the government should allow for guns in schools, others think that there needs to be more gun regulations and less firearms in the hands of citizens. Nicholas D. Kristof, a columnist for The New York Times, has a firm belief in the latter. In his essay, “Do We Have the Courage to Stop This?” faces the controversial issue of gun control. Kristof explains why he believes there should be more control on firearms and makes use of literary techniques to convince the reader.…
“A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip” was published in the New York Times as a powerful rhetorical analysis that persuades the audience that gun control does not mean…
This paper will provide the public with information concerning the views of anti-gun control activists and pro-gun control activists. In order to accomplish this task, this paper will answer the following questions:…
Some of the shootings were suicides and others were unintentional. Sherfinski develops this thesis by stating that the Congress that has shown little interest in gun control after President Obama 's failed push last year for expanded background checks and bans on some semiautomatic rifles and high-capacity ammunition. This document was introduced in order to introduce the audience on the movement the Moms Demand Gun Sense in American are taking to make sure Congress takes action to ensure the gun control law is better fixed.…
He inspires change in this article, in hope of extending that to his readers. His use of facts, and a well structured essay make for an overall convincing argument. He does not appear to use much of his own voice or opinions in the paper, helping to make it seem unbiased and more so a speculation and analysis of gun control.…
In response to an article titled (Gun Debate: Where Is the Middle Ground?) written by Mallory Simon, writer and senior producer of online presentations for the Cable News Network (CNN) on January 31, 2013, the argument can be presented that “Guns don’t kill people, people do.” The article highlighted the common topic of gun control. In that phrase alone it is proposed that somehow guns have a mind of their own and can somehow control themselves. The author presents the proposal that somehow there may be a common ground in maintaining the use and sanction of guns in our country by creating a medium of strict public policy in the form of background checks and security. It is with strong supported evidence that an attempt will be made to argue that the power to control the illegal, malicious and careless use of guns is to limit the power of people to obtain them with a…
The purpose of this paper will give a historical background of the gun control debacles in the United States, and will focus on gun control and the Second Amendment, the historical context of the Second Amendment and the legitimacy of gun the control legislation, America’s most dominant gun control movements since 1980, as well as presenting the effects they have had on the American public by analyzing different approaches state-by-state across the U.S., to understand if there is a correlation between the number of firearms, and killings committed by guns.…
Gun control has recently created a massive uproar throughout the United States because of the recent, and sincerely unfortunate, Sandy Hook school shooting that occurred last December. In response to this tragedy, Democratic leaders have been attempting to capitalize on the incident and push forward their respective agenda of limiting gun rights. As one can imagine, there are a surfeit of opinions on the subject, but despite this fact, I have come to affirm that I am strong believer in strengthening gun control. Although the right to bear arms should continue to be guaranteed by the Second Amendment, our nation’s need for heightened security in school classrooms and other public places is…
It is a known fact that America was produced into a nation based on the ideologies of freedom and democracy; with the constitution as the heart of its central government. The basic rights of citizens stated in the amendments are not only unambiguous but also eminently conserved by the Judicial System and Supreme Courts, which makes it a crucial challenge to modify, despite having national catastrophes that leave the government questioning their responsibilities with regard to public safety. Guns are a huge presence on the American landscape, no doubt. With an estimated 300 million firearms privately owned in the U.S., we practically have a weapon for every citizen. In 1994, President Clinton signed a ten year assault weapons ban into law but industries continued to manufacture civilian versions of military rifles. According to author Paul Berrett, “The prohibition actually helped transform what had been a marginal product for most manufacturers into a gun-rights poster child, celebrated by the National Rifle Association and sought after by a much bigger share of the gun-buying public.” Since the ban’s expiration in 2004, no other administration sought to enforce any regulation on assault…
I’m sure you have heard Wayne LaPierre’s most recent speech concerning the Sandy Hook tragedy, and his opinions on the role of guns in America. I’m not here today to completely disagreeing with everything he was saying, however, there were…
It is thought to be a human right for citizens to bear arms, but how do we control gun violence? Nicholas D. Kristof’s article “Do We Have the Courage to Stop This?” explains current complications having to do with gun regulations in the United States. Kristof focuses on school shootings and the high percentage in which they occur nationwide. Kristof making it clear that society seems to turn their heads away from the idea of regulating guns. Attempting to persuade his audience, Kristof utilizes a number of rhetorical strategies to effectively capture the audiences attention and persuade them into taking a positive stance on his beliefs. Initially Kristof fails to present sufficient and credible support, which is needed to support his opinion and create an appealing argument. On the one, hand Kristof used rhetorical strategies that allowed the audience to feel connected and understand the issue; one the other hand but he lacked support disallowing a strong and effective argument.…