Yet there must be as many women out of jobs in cities and suffering extreme poverty as there are men. What happens to them?
It seems very apparent to me that the Administration at Washington is accelerating it's [sic] pace towards socialism and communism. Nearly every public statement from Washington is against stimulation of business which would in the end create employment.
Everyone is sympathetic to the cause of creating more jobs and better wages for labor; but, a program continually promoting labor troubles, higher wages, shorter hours, and less profits for business, would seem to me to be leading us fast to a condition where the Government must more and more expand it's relief activities, and will lead in the end to disaster to all
The New Deal, being both a philosophy and a mode of action, began to find expression in diverse forms which were often contradictory. Some assisted and some retarded the recovery of industrial activity. . . An enormous outpouring of federal money for human relief and immense sums for public-works projects started to flow to all points of the compass. . .
Six billion dollars was added to the national debt . . . a bureaucracy in Washington grew by leaps and bounds . . . and finally, to lend the picture the heightened academic touch,
John Maynard Keynes, of Cambridge, England, . . . commenced the plan of buying Utopia for cash.
The question of chief importance relates to the provision of the codes to the hours and wages of those employed . . . It