Students swap campus life for Seven-eleven! I see so many adolescents walking the street, or when I go into Seven-Eleven. I see so many of them behind the counters, strive to become the “Seven-Eleven types”. Though many of these young people possess potential, they settle for the aisle of Seven-Eleven rather than the lecture halls of the University of Western Cape. Therefore I agree that majority of the first year student’s drop out of the university because they are constantly faced with numerous dilemmas. This writing assignment will discuss namely the most evident dilemmas experienced by firs year students such as adjustments to campus life, socializing and peer pressure at campus and also the lack of finance.
There is a vast difference between campus life and school, and many students do not realise this initially. When the first month has passed, the new environment should have made a significant of change for many of the first year students. The workload is much greater, the freedom unlimited and most of all students are alone. These aspects affect the students in a negative way, if the student is not mentally and emotionally prepared for the circumstances around them. They might also not be mature enough to handle the workload and the pace at which it’s being thrown upon them on a day to day basis. From all entrants to the campus, a limited amount actually copes with the metamorphosis from high school to university, for the majority dropping out is the easiest way.
Socializing and peer pressure:
This aspect deals with a form of development all students are bound to face in their lives. Socialising is the most exciting yet distracting phase experienced at universities. It is an especially exciting and tempting time for first year students, since they get to experience their new found ‘freedom’. All they would now like to do is explore their unlimited option available to them. If these first year students do not have