Firstly, women can start a personal blog. It should cover a topic which is directly related to their skills set. Once they acquire a decent number of readers and followers, they could begin to offer them their services related to their skills and charge a fee for it. Another option in blogging as one of the top 10 home based businesses involves writing for another individual or company and earning a service fee in return.
2. Providing Professional Advice
Women can offer paid advice related to their profession. This is one of the top 10 home based businesses because they do not need to worry about setting up their own online platform for this service. There are many websites which offer professional advice to its customers by appointing a team of experts from various lines of work. They often have predetermined rates and commissions for their registered experts while others also keep them negotiable.
3. Book Publishing
Publishing may sound like the most investment-demanding option out of the other top 10 home based businesses. This does not hold true for online book publishing or content marketing. Some websites offer free registration to use their online publishing services while others charge a nominal amount. In the end, women can enjoy writing books on their favorite topics and set the prices themselves. Online book publishing is part of the top 10 home based businesses because it enables women to publish books only in the demanded quantity.
4. Designing Shoes
Many fashion-savvy females have a creative sense which is often specific to items like shoes. The ideas may come to them naturally but they may be unable to take up shoe-designing as a full-fledged career option. However, women should utilize different software to develop unique designs and sell them to small-sized shoe businesses along with the ownership right to the designs. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship.
5. Conducting Online Research
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