Key reading
Bloch, M. 1989 ‘Symbol, song, and dance as features of traditional authority’ in Ritual, History and Power. Berg. Pp. 19-45.
Bloch, M. 1986 Chapter 8 in From Blessing to Violence. Cambridge University Press.
Further reading
Bourdillon, M.C.F. 1978 ‘Knowing the world or hiding it: a response to Maurice Bloch’ in Man (N.S) 13 (4): 591-599
Bloch, M. 1979. ‘correspondence cont.’ Man (N.S) 14(1): 165-167. . . Bourdillon, M.C.F. 1979. Man (N.S) 14 (4): 735
Roseberry, W. 1997. ‘Marx and Anthropology’ Annual Review of Anthropology 26: 25-46
Ideas to include
The big question is to what extent can you individually define power, politics and ritual?
There are many different types of ritual, each of which has different purpose.
One purpose ritual holds is to bring people together
Types: football match, religious ceremony in church, Christmas, brushing teeth – all have different meanings and have different levels of importance.
Not all rituals are to do with politics and power.
Blochs idea of power is
Therefore, there are different levels of rituals with different meanings at each level.
Reading 2
Are rituals used for political dominance/power (Ranavalana) -change in ritual through course of History. – Many of the originators of the changes in the ritual were conscious of the political implications of what they were doing. – actual ritual did not change, but the people in power did.
Anthropologists focus too muh on the meaning of ritual.
Formalized language used to exert power
Refers to Marx a lot.
Main point is that we should study rituals in historical context.
Not all rituals are politically connected.
Notes: Turner, v. 19 69 reading
‘In tribal societies too, speech is not merely communication but also power and ritual.’
‘The wisdom (mana) that is imparted in sacred liminality is not