‘Poem at Thirty-nine’ and ‘Piano’ explore melancholy emotions while ‘Remember’ does not in my opinion. The reasons I do no completely agree is because the three poems all have hidden feelings and meanings. ‘Poem at Thirty-nine’ shows melancholy emotions because it presents the loss of the persona’s father and ‘Piano’ portrays how D.H. Lawrence misses his childhood. However ‘Remember’ is not a sad poem but it might seem so because it is explaining Rossetti’s feelings towards death.
‘Poem at Thirty-nine’ is a free verse structured poem by Alice Walker. There is sadness in the poem and it is presented by showing the feeling that the persona misses her father, instead of using and introducing grieving words and actions in the poem. Walker repeated the first line ‘How I miss my father’ half way down the poem. However, the full stop at the end of the sentence was replaced with an exclamation mark. This shows the persona has been more emotional than before because the memories start to become more powerful in that point in the poem. Walker might have adopted a persona to show the audience how much she was missing her own father.
The structure of this poem is a free verse, therefore it does not have any rhyme pattern. However, they use assonance such as ‘of good food. Now I look and cook just like him’, the rhymes are ‘whoever strays my way’ and ‘cooking, writing, chopping wood’. These rhymes add to the free flowing of the poem. Walker writes the poem in free verse so she can revive the feeling with her father any time. The poem is written in free verse so every time when Walker thinks of her father, she can use it to convey herself the habits of her father.
There is assonance of the ‘a’ sound and the example is ‘as a way’. It creates a flowing feeling. The flowing feeling gives an effect that there is no limit to what Walker’s