Statement of the Problem
The research entitled, “Faculty Needs Assessment of the College of Education in the Bulacan State University”, was conducted to answer the following questions: 1. How may the faculty of the College of Education be described in terms of:
1.1 Personal Profile
1.2 Professional Background
1.2.1 Educational Attainment
1.2.2 Years in Service
1.2.3 Work loads
1.2.4 Status of Appointment 1.2.5 Relevant seminars attended 1.2.6 In-service Training 1.2.7 Membership in professional Organizations
2. How may the needs of the teachers as perceived by them be described in terms of: 2.1 Personal 2.2 Professional 2.3 Instructional
3. How do these needs affect their performance in teaching in terms of: 3.1 Personal 3.2 Professional 3.3 Instructional
4. What are the possible faculty development programs to be recommended?
Methodology The researchers used the descriptive survey method type of research with questionnaire as major data gathering instrument. This approach was appropriate for the study because it involved some types of comparison or contrast and established relationships between non-manipulated variables. Some statistical analyses were also used to describe the study.
Summary of Findings This study was conducted to assess the faculty needs of the College of Education of Bulacan State University: Bases for Faculty Development.
1. How may the faculty of the COED be described in terms of: Gender
Among 21 respondents, 13 (62%) are females and 8 (38%) males. Educational Qualification
All obtained a bachelor’s degree and about 4 (19%) of the faculty members have doctor’s degree while 13 (62%) faculty members have earned master’s degrees and out of these 13 faculty members 5 (24%) have units leading to doctor’s degree while 4 (19%) of the other faculty members pursue for a master’s degree..
Majority 67% of the respondents had Professionals Board Exams for