This story begins with the narrator (a woman who is not named) moving in to a hereditary estate with her husband for the summer. This new and strange situation causes the narrator to discuss her “nervous depression;” which became known as the reason for the couple to go there for the summer, to let her recover. It was the husband’s idea. On one hand, her husband doesn't seem to take her illness seriously, he does not believe she is sick and on the other hand, he takes the whole situation very seriously and hardly lets her “stir” without special direction and has created a schedule for each hour in the day. He doesn't want her to work or to socialize or even really to go outside. She's basically trapped inside the house.
Whenever she speaks of her illness, the husband waves it off and uses the “it’s all in your head” cliché... Or “trust me I’m a doctor” crap. But I digress. The ill women feels that being more active will help her get better and so she begins writing in a journal. She begins writing about the house and especially grows interested in the wallpaper, mainly because of its peculiar pattern. As it continues, the narrator begins to grow more obsessed with the wallpaper. But the husband, mistaken this fixation for recovery… (Let me just say that I’m glad he’s not my doctor) As more time passes, the narrator attempts to figure out what the pattern means in the yellow wallpaper. She begins to suspect that her husband is growing aware of this obsession and so decides to destroy the wallpaper in an attempt to free the trapped women in it. Then she spends all night tearing down the wallpaper and when the husband sees the next day, he faints.
I think that the main reason for her to tear down the wallpaper was not mainly on her husband finding out about her obsession, but more so had a deeper significance of the narrator's identification with the wallpaper and how that relates to what