by Ray Bradbury
Explanation: Social rules define normalcy. Normalcy and conformity may not always be healthy. If society tells you to abide by certain rules and to stay within the lines, consider writing the other way.
This was used as the epigram for Bradbury's book to denote the moral imperative of the citizens of Montag's society to contemplate and disobey the mores of their time. The obligation here is both moral and pragmatic, since acceding to their society's conventions would be both individually and socially destructive.
Explanation: People use texts selectively to support their points. The same books that can be used to support one point of view can also be used to refute that point of view. Famous examples are such sacred texts as the Bible or Koran, which are used by adherents to prove the existence of a merciful God and sophisticated religion. Their critics, meanwhile, use this same literature to combat these arguments.
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