The Odyssey




At the beginning of the Odyssey, Telemachus is a meek young man, pining for his father’s return. Telemachus does not feel capable of taking control of the palace, and he fears the wrath of the suitors and their families. With the guidance of Athena, however, Telemachus undergoes an important transformation. He leaves behind the hesitance of youth, becoming a brave and decisive man. By the end of the poem, he bravely fights side-by-side with Odysseus, helping to restore order to Ithaca, and becomes a hero in his own right. Of all the men who attempt to string the great bow of Odysseus, only Telemachus even comes close. As he steps into his princely role, Telemachus gains strength nearly equal to his father’s. This indicates that when the time comes, Telemachus will be capable of stepping into his father’s role as king of Ithaca. 

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Essays About The Odyssey