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    before 11 PM. Schools’ early start times cause students many issues‚ therefore schools should move their starting time to a later time. Many issues come upon starting school early such as sleep deprivation and the health and safety of the teenagers. To fix these issues the solution is to move schools’ start times to a later time no earlier than 8:30 AM. Many benefits would come from moving the start time to a later time. One issue with schools’ early start time is that students become sleep deprived

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    detrimental to the children’s overall well being. Concussions are extremely prevalent in all kinds of sports and can seriously harm children in many different ways and is one of the leading causes of death in sports. Sports are dangerous Children should not participate in sports because they can hurt children both physically and emotionally‚ create an overwhelming pressure to succeed and can result in deadly and long lasting effects of concussions. A new trend that has been happening in children’s

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    following should be looked at: marketing strategies‚ marketing objectives‚ swot and pestle analysis‚ current market position and also market overview. Whenever talking about why people should study marketing I like to quote Peter Drucker “There will always be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally‚ marketing should result in

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    people consider teenagers as adults at different times. Teens can be considered as adult at multiple ages including 16 18 and 21. Teenagers should be considered as adults at 21 when they have all the rights that a full-grown person has. Teens are usually considered as adults once they are allowed to drive and vote. This is because by the time you have all these rights your body is usually fully-grown. The body is fully grown by 21 in most people so they are easily considered adults. The

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    Why Immigrants Should Learn English Robert Riley Com/150 July 28‚ 2012 ToniAnn Di Re Have you ever been somewhere and a person comes up to you asking for direction‚ but they don’t speak English. It can be very difficult to help someone in that situation that is why I feel that all immigrants entering the United States for permanent stay should learn English. According to the US Census Bureau it estimates that there were approximately 37.6 million foreign-born people living in the United

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    Why Should We Study the Past? Pearl S. Buck once said‚ “If you want to understand today‚ you have to search yesterday.” In order for us as a people to know where we are going in life‚ we must study the past of our ancestors to find out where we have been. The human animal by its very nature is curious. We must know the answers to‚ who‚ what‚ where‚ when‚ why and how. We cannot help ourselves from asking these questions‚ and we cannot stop ourselves from going in search of the answers. We have

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    speaking for the affirmative to why women in Australia should be given the rights to vote for many obvious reasons. My reasons being; firstly‚ we should all be treated equally with justice or else Australia would not be considered as an egalitarian society. Secondly‚ other countries have benefited their society by passing women’s suffrage. Lastly‚ women are just as hard-working as men and deserve as much as men do. To start off‚ I without a doubt believe that women should be able to vote as Australia

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    College football should think about the rules of the NCAA another way. The NFL makes football players wait three years after graduating high school before entering the draft (Bayless). With such a tight hold on players from the NCAA‚ means no income for players in that time frame. Outside of room‚ board‚ and tuition players should be able to receive payment of some sort. Scholarships looks really great to the outside eye‚ but scholarships in the market today isn’t worth the same as it was in past

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    Since the beginning of time we have used some pretty horrific ways to torture‚ punish‚ or kill people. We have used Chinese Water Torture so that you mentally go insane as they continue to drop a single drop of water on your forehead so that either you go mentally insane or die from the tip of your skull caving in. We have used hanging people on crosses so that you either die from starvation‚ suffocation‚ or they would cut your legs off and you would bleed to death. We have used burning people

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    want more sleep. School’s shouldn’t start later? Firstly‚ schools should not start later because according to Justin O’Neill he says ‚“....Many parents would no longer have time before work to drive their kids to school” (21). This obviously proves that parents would have difficult times rearranging work. Parents will most likely have trouble with their bosses. They would also have trouble taking their kids to school. This is why schools shouldn’t start

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